Sunday, March 23, 2014


This time Jesus meets a samaritan woman at about noon near Jacob's well. He does not treat her as his enemy, as Jews did to the Samaritans, but as an equal. To her he showed kindness. Jesus saw in her not the evil things she has done in her life but rather the heroine she could become with His encouragement.

Her life is a metaphor for our own lives - often lived in deserts of alienation, sinfulness and despair. Lent invites us to join this woman of Samaria and encounter Christ, accept Him as a loving God and follow his footsteps. Never should we reject Him because he does to appear according to our preconceived notions.

The longing in our hearts is satisfied only when it has its scource  God's thirst for us.

When God is present in our lives let us abandon our water jars and like the Samaritan woman return to town and tell everyone that Jesus is the real experience in our lives.

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