Saturday, January 18, 2025


Out into the darkness of the night went Jesus, Mary, and Joseph journeying to Egypt. 

Can these homeless wanderers really be the three whose value in the eyes of Heaven, made all the rest of the world insignificant as a grain of sand, compared with a Continent? Yes, this is God's way of treating those whom He loves best!

Herod , in his luxurious palace, is feasting and revelling in luxury and ease whilst Jesus, Mary, and Joseph are outcasts from their home, shivering in the cold and stormy night.

How foolish then,, to desire ease and comfort or to regret the hardships and disagreeable event which befall me!

Whither were they going To Egypt, along an unknown road to a distant and idolatrous Country; not knowing the way, not knowing how they should find subsistence from day to day.

What was the trial of Abraham compared with this? He went forth with an escort of servants and camels and with tents and a store of good things for the way; the Divine Son of God and His Parents, empty -handed and alone. Compassionate the Holy Family in their sufferings along the way.

What were those sufferings?

Often, they knew not where to lay their heads and had to sleep under the starry sky. Often, they had to beg their bread. Sometimes, they were in danger from the rough bandits who infested the road. Sometimes, the wild beasts howled around them.

This is a model of the life of the Christian – sometimes, deprived of all spiritual sustenance and of all human consolation; sometimes, fiercely attacked by men, sometimes, by evil passions and the rage of Satan; yet, always safe under the watchful care of God!

(taken from the writings of Fr Richard Frederick Clarke SJ (1839-1900)

Tuesday, January 14, 2025



In the year 1514, Our Lady was venerated at a Shrine near Montserrat, Spain. A dumb man on a pilgrimage to her shrine invoked her aid and the Blessed Virgin miraculously restored his speech. And from that day the Blessed Lady was given the title of Our Lady of Speech.

From that time on, she was given the title Our Lady of Speech. Here again the words of the “Memorare” were verified:

“Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary,that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection,implored thy help or sought thy intercession,was left unaided.
Inspired by this confidence,I fly unto thee, O Virgin of virgins, my Mother; to thee do I come, before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions but in thy mercy hear and answer me.”

When God was made man, it was she who gave voice to the Word. In the Magnificat, God the Holy Ghost, her mystical spouse, spoke though her. When Christ was a child, she was His voice. When Our Lord was a man, He spoke for himself, while his mother remained silent. 

After the Ascension, she again became His voice as she guided the infant Church through those perilous times. Over and over again, the words of God came through her, for she is His Mediatrix of grace, the link between us and Him.

As a consequence, even while on earth, His Mother’s word had great influence upon Christ. “They have no wine,” uttered in behalf of the embarrassed newlyweds at Cana, was all that was necessary to bring forth her Sons’ first miracle.

And so, down the ages, Mary hearkens to the words of her Calvary-born children and speaks in their behalf to Jesus. Her intercession, her word, her speech, is never in vain. Let us never cease to invoke this powerful protectress, who wants nothing more than to intercede for us, her children, before the throne of God.

Sunday, January 5, 2025


marian quote


At the circumcision, Jewish children receive their name as Catholic children do at their Baptism. Mary’s little Son received the Name of Jesus or Saviour because He was to save men from the slavery to sin. This was His appointed office by the Divine Command – to put an end to the slavery in which men were held by the devil. 

He was sent to deliver me from the bondage under which I have long laboured, the bondage to the opinion of men, the bondage to ill-temper, the bondage to passion, the bondage to selfishness, the bondage to self-will, the bondage to riches or comforts.

O Jesus, Saviour of those in bondage, by Thy Sacred Blood deliver me!

Wednesday, January 1, 2025


For Every Morning of the New Year

May 2025 be the ONE which Makes Us All Saints!

I will this day, try to live a simple,

sincere and serene life, repelling

promptly, every thought of

discontent, anxiety, discouragement,

impurity and self-seeking;

cultivating cheerfulness, magnanimity,

charity and the habit of holy silence,

exercising econmy in expenditure,

carefulness in conversation,

diligence in appointed service,

fidelity in every trust

and a child-like trust in God.

Bishop John H Vincent 1900

Tuesday, December 31, 2024



The last day of the year has come. It should be a day of reckoning and of resolution. Think of the many benefits which God has conferred on you throughout your life, but especially in the year which is now drawing to a close.

Count the temporal favours which you have received. Many of your friends and acquaintances have died during the year, but you are still alive. God has rescued you from innumerable perils and illnesses. He has allowed you more time in which to perfect your spiritual life and to perform apostolic work on your neighbour's behalf. Try not to be like the barren tree in the Gospel, because this could be your final year of trial.

Count the spiritual blessings which you have received. Think of the graces and good inspirations which God has given you during the past twelve months. How often have you received forgiveness for your sins, been restored to the friendship of God, and experienced anew the joy and peace of being in the state of grace? How often has Jesus come into your heart under the guise of the Blessed Eucharist? How often have you been enlightened and encouraged by hearing or reading the word of God? Think, too, of the good example which you have received in private and in public, and recall the many occasions on which the helping hand of God has reached out to save you from falling into sin.

You could never show sufficient gratitude for all these favours. Spend this day at least in acts of repentance and thanksgiving, and promise God to be faithful to Him in the coming year.

(from the writings of cardinal antonio bacci)

Sunday, December 29, 2024


Socrates advised his followers to have few desires and to desire these as little as possible, in order to remain content, for the man who is full of desires is always uneasy and restless.
This human counsel is very true but, it is incomplete.
It recommends detachment from earthly things but fails to teach the ardent and practical desire for supernatural things.
Jesus Christ teaches us both.
After He has urged us to become gentle and humble like Himself, after He has told us not to worry about the future and not to fret about what to wear and what to eat, He points out the way in which Providence clothes the lilies of the filed and feeds the birds of the air.
Then He adds: “Seek the Kingdom of God and all these things shall be given you besides” (Cf Lk.12:22-31).

We must limit and moderate our desire for earthly goods, therefore but, should ardently yearn to love God, to serve and obey Him in this life and to enjoy Him forever in Heaven.
This is what the Infant Jesus wishes to teach us.”

(an advice from cardinal bacci.)