Tuesday, October 15, 2024


In plain language, patience is a grace that allows us to remain peaceful, calm, even joyful when people or things don’t go our way. It prevents us from getting angry, annoyed, and frustrated at people, places, or circumstances. 

We must exercise patience with others. We do not live by ourselves on some deserted island but share our daily lives with different communities of people. Not everyone acknowledges our thoughts and actions and more often than not, this is the time when we get annoyed and perhaps go a step forward and retaliate spitefully.  We must not let ourselves be carried by our emotions, but diligently we are obliged to act with patience, which ultimately is a sign of strength and self-control.

A second area where we need to practice patience is with ourselves.

 There are occasions when we get discouraged because we failed with ourselves. For example we get discouraged because during prayer we find ourselves distracted all along the way. It would be a grave mistake were we to give up thinking that we cannot move on through the path of holiness. We are wrong to think so. 

However, we are right that we cannot do this by ourselves. We need the gift of God, his grace. Coupled with this gift of God we must be patient and struggle against this false inclination of surrendering to the devil’s advice.

Place your trust in God and let Him direct you on your journey of Faith. And to do this you must practice the virtue of Patience and we can become a better person because God helps him who helps himself.

Monday, October 14, 2024


 THE “business” of eternal salvation is assuredly an affair which is to us more important than any other and yet, it is the most neglected by Christians. They spare neither time nor diligence to attain that post. 

And yet, to secure eternal salvation, what do they do? how do they live? They do nothing, nay, they do all things to lose it! and the larger number of Christians so live, as if death, judgement, hell, Heaven and eternity could not be an article of faith but fables invented by the poets. If their money account is in the red,  what great concern do they not feel? What pains do they not take to repair the loss? If they lose a horse or a dog, what diligence do they not exercise to find it?

They lose the grace of God; they sleep, they jest and they laugh.

Wonderful fact! All are ashamed to be called negligent in the affairs of the world and yet, how many are not ashamed to neglect the affairs of eternity which is all-important! 

St Paul enphasis the fact that eternal salvation is the only important affair during our life on earth.

It is the most important concern : yes, since it is an affair of the greatest consequence; it concerns the soul which, if lost, all is lost!

St Chrysostom tells us that the soul ought to be more precious to us than all the goods of the world. It is sufficient to know, in order to understand this, God Himself has given His Son to die to save our souls: “God so loved the world, that He gave His Only-Begotten Son.” (St John iii: 16).

And the Eternal Word did not refuse to purchase them with His own Blood. “Ye are bought with a price.” (i Cor vi: 20).

So that, as a holy Father observes: “The redemption of man was effected at so precious a price, man seemed to be of equal value to God.”

St Philip Neri had reason to call him mad, who does not attend to the salvation of his soul. 

But no, since we are all immortal, how is it that so many endanger the soul for the miserable pleasures of this world? How is it, says Salvian, Christians believe there is a judgement, a hell, an eternity and yet live without fearing them?

Sunday, October 13, 2024



There was once a priest who had a special devotion to the sorrows of Mary. He would often remain alone in the chapel to commiserate the sorrows of his Lady.

So intently did he meditate on the sorrows endured by Mary Most Holy that, moved by compassion, he was accustomed to wipe the face of a statue of the sorrowful Virgin with a little cloth, as though real tears flowed there.

Now this good priest became quite ill. When he was given up by his physicians, and was going to breathe his last, he saw a beautiful Lady by his side. She consoled him with her words, and with a handkerchief gently wiped the sweat from his brow.

With this, the priest was miraculously cured.

When he found himself well, he said: "But, my Lady, who are you who practice such charity towards me?"

"I am she," answered Mary, "whose tears you have so often dried,” and she disappeared.

From the Glories of Mary, by St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori

it is recommended to meditate about the sorrows of Mary, the Mother of Christ every Friday. ( St Gabiriel of our Lady of Sorrows)

Friday, April 1, 2022



“God never allows us to be tempted beyond our strength but will always give us the grace ,which we need, in order to resist, “God is faithful,” St Paul writes, “and will not permit you to be tempted beyond your strength but with the temptation, will always give you a way out that you may be able to bear it” (1 Cor 10-13).

The man who is so discouraged by frequent falls that he surrenders to temptation and resigns himself to the slavery of sin, as if there were no other way out, is making a fatal mistake.

God is infinitely good and merciful and loves us all, even those who are sinners.

Remember the parable of the Prodigal Son and of the lost sheep,

How could our Heavenly Father abandon us and not give us the strength to resist evi?

If we are discouraged, let us ask God’s help for He loves us and knows how weak we are.

“He knows how we are formed” (Ps 102:14).

It is a favourite trick of the devil, to persuade us that nothing can help us.

Let us cast aside all thoughts of discouragement, therefore and arm ourselves with the necessary spiritual weapons.

With humble perseverance and the grace of God, we are sure to triumph.”