Saturday, October 3, 2020


 There will never be a shortage of words. Words are plentiful because talk is cheap. It’s easy to make a promise. Keeping a promise is an entirely different matter, as this Sunday’s gospel makes abundantly clear.

There are over a billion people on the planet who have solemnly promised to live a life of loving service to God. For that is what baptism and confirmation mean. Millions renew this promise each Sunday. That’s what saying the creed and receiving communion mean. But what do our actions say? Sadly, most baptized Christians have lifestyles that don’t quite match the words they profess.

Actions speak louder than words. The tongue often lies. But body language never lies. It reveals our true trajectory, our real priorities.

God’s Word is more than words. His Word is so substantial that it is a Person, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. And this Word was not satisfied to say “I love you.” Rather He leapt into action, stripped Himself of glory, assumed the form of a slave, healed the sick, and washed feet. The last and ultimate word of the Word was the Cross, the most eloquent love letter ever written, the final PS of a 33 year life of love in action. (Phil 2:1-11)

- Marcelino D'Ambrosio, PhD

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