Tuesday, December 31, 2024



The last day of the year has come. It should be a day of reckoning and of resolution. Think of the many benefits which God has conferred on you throughout your life, but especially in the year which is now drawing to a close.

Count the temporal favours which you have received. Many of your friends and acquaintances have died during the year, but you are still alive. God has rescued you from innumerable perils and illnesses. He has allowed you more time in which to perfect your spiritual life and to perform apostolic work on your neighbour's behalf. Try not to be like the barren tree in the Gospel, because this could be your final year of trial.

Count the spiritual blessings which you have received. Think of the graces and good inspirations which God has given you during the past twelve months. How often have you received forgiveness for your sins, been restored to the friendship of God, and experienced anew the joy and peace of being in the state of grace? How often has Jesus come into your heart under the guise of the Blessed Eucharist? How often have you been enlightened and encouraged by hearing or reading the word of God? Think, too, of the good example which you have received in private and in public, and recall the many occasions on which the helping hand of God has reached out to save you from falling into sin.

You could never show sufficient gratitude for all these favours. Spend this day at least in acts of repentance and thanksgiving, and promise God to be faithful to Him in the coming year.

(from the writings of cardinal antonio bacci)

Sunday, December 29, 2024


Socrates advised his followers to have few desires and to desire these as little as possible, in order to remain content, for the man who is full of desires is always uneasy and restless.
This human counsel is very true but, it is incomplete.
It recommends detachment from earthly things but fails to teach the ardent and practical desire for supernatural things.
Jesus Christ teaches us both.
After He has urged us to become gentle and humble like Himself, after He has told us not to worry about the future and not to fret about what to wear and what to eat, He points out the way in which Providence clothes the lilies of the filed and feeds the birds of the air.
Then He adds: “Seek the Kingdom of God and all these things shall be given you besides” (Cf Lk.12:22-31).

We must limit and moderate our desire for earthly goods, therefore but, should ardently yearn to love God, to serve and obey Him in this life and to enjoy Him forever in Heaven.
This is what the Infant Jesus wishes to teach us.”

(an advice from cardinal bacci.)

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Monday, December 23, 2024





Let us ask the Divine Child to help us be more fervent in our prayers, to be more mortified and to make greater efforts to practise virtue.

Let Him help us to model our lives upon His so that they may be full of humility, love for God and our fellowmen. Let him guide us for perfect resignation to suffering and of voluntary penance and mortification.

Thus we prove our love for Jesus and expiate our sins.

Saturday, December 21, 2024


1. There is in human nature a fatal tendency to procrastinate, especially when that which we know we ought to do, is something to which we are naturally disinclined.

All men are naturally disinclined to do violence to themselves and force their pride and self-will, to yield before the sway of Christ, to put on His yoke and carry His cross.

Hence, men put off and make excuses to themselves and fancy that what is difficult to them to-day, will be easy to morrow .

O fatal mistake!

Each day that we postpone the task of submission, it becomes more difficult, more distasteful.

Why then do I not hasten to submit myself entirely to Christ?

+2. From day-to-day, the careless soul thus goes on putting off, crying: “Tomorrow I will amend my ways” and when tomorrow comes, it still cries: “Tomorrow.” How fatal is this folly!

Tomorrow may never come, or, if it comes, you may have forfeited the grace!

“Today, if ye will hear His Voice, harden not your hearts.'

+3. This postponement is always accompanied by some deliberate disobedience to the commands or to the holy inspirations of the Spirit of God.

Thus the careless soul becomes more engrossed in earthly things and more and more disinclined to make the necessary effort. Therefore, it is that, so many will be surprised by the Coming of their Judge at the moment when they least expect Him and are quite unprepared to meet Him.

O Jesus, save me at any cost from the deadly state of the careless soul!

(by Fr Richard Frederick Clarke SJ)

Monday, December 16, 2024


Therefore, let us rejoice and glory in Him, Who made us both His battle and His victory, when He said: “Have confidence, for I have overcome the world” (Jn 16:33) … He, Who is unconquered, will fight for us and conquer in us. Then the prince of this darkness shall be cast out (cf Jn 12:31). He is not, to be sure, expelled from the world but from the individual, for when faith enters us, we shut him out and provide a place for Christ…


Let orators keep their eloquence, philosophers their wisdom, rich men their wealth and kings their kingdoms. Christ is our Glory, Property and Kingdom! Our wisdom lies in the “foolishness of our preaching,” our strength, in the weakness of the flesh, our glory, in the stumbling block of the Cross (cf 1 Cor 1:21).” – St Paulinus of Nola (355-431) Bishop, Father of the Church (Letter 38:3-4.6).

Sunday, December 15, 2024


O Purest of creatures, sweet Mother, sweet maid,

The one spotless womb wherein Jesus was laid!

Dark night hath come down on us, Mother! and we

Look out for thy shining, sweet Star of the Sea!

Deep night hath come down on this rough-spoken world,

And the banners of darkness are boldly unfurled;

And the tempest-tossed Church,—

all her eyes are on thee;

They look to thy shining, sweet Star of the Sea!

He gazed on thy soul, it was spotless and fair,

For the empire of sin—it had never been there;

None ever had owned thee, dear Mother but He.

And He blest thy clear shining, sweet Star of the Sea!

Earth gave Him one lodging; t’was deep in thy breast,

And God found a home where the sinner finds rest;

His home and His hiding-place, both were in thee,

He was won by thy shining, sweet Star of the Sea!

O Purest of Creatures,
Sweet Mother, Sweet Maid

By Fr Frederick W Faber C.Orat. (1814-1863)

Saturday, December 14, 2024


She is Virgin and Mother, what will she not be hereafter? Holy in body, all beautiful in soul, pure of mind, upright in intelligence, perfect in feeling, chaste and faithful, pure of heart and filled with virtue.

May the hearts of virgins rejoice in Mary, since of her was born the One Who set humankind free from dreadful slavery. May the old Adam, wounded by the serpent, rejoice in Mary; it is Mary who gives Adam a posterity which allows Him to crush the accursed serpent and Who cures him of his mortal wound (Gen 3:15). Let Priests rejoice in the blessed Virgin; she has brought the High Priest into the world, Who gave Himself as a Victim, putting an end to the sacrifices of the Old Covenant. … Let the Prophets rejoice in Mary, since in her were fulfilled their visions, in her were realised their prophecies, in her were confirmed their oracles. Let all the Patriarchs rejoice in Mary, since she received the blessing promised to them, she, who, in her Son, has brought them to completion. …

Mary is the new tree of life who, instead of the bitter fruit picked by Eve, gives to mankind that sweet fruit on which the whole world is fed!” – St Ephrem (306-373) Deacon in Syria, Father and Doctor of the Church (Marian Hymn).

Thursday, December 12, 2024



Lucia of Syracuse ( c. 283 – 304 AD), also called Saint Lucia (Latin: Sancta Lucia) and better known as Saint Lucy, was a Roman Christian martyr who died during the Diocletianic Persecution. She is venerated as a saint in Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran, and Eastern Orthodox Christianity.

Prayer to St Lucy for the Protection of our Eyes and the Eyes of our Faith

O St Lucy, preserve the light of my eyes

so that I may see the beauties of creation,

the glow of the sun,

the colour of the flowers

and the smile of children.

Preserve also the eyes of my soul,

the faith, through which,

I can know my God,

understand His teachings,

recognise His love for me

and never miss the road that leads me

to where you, St Lucy,

can be found in the company

of the angels and saints.

St Lucy, protect my eyes

and preserve my faith.

St Lucy, “Bringer of Light”

Pray for those with eye ailments,

Pray for us all!



Ask her to intercede for the whole world where wars and battles are taking place, wars and battles that are devasting humanity, that are wrecking havoc on whole families.

Above all, let her intercession blesses us all with the grace of the Almighty God .

Wednesday, December 11, 2024


Read below what Pope Pius XII has to say about Peter's Successors:


Peter's successors, mortal like all men, pass, more or less quickly. But the primacy of Peter will always remain, thanks to the special assistance which was promised to him when Jesus charged him to confirm his brothers in faith (Lk 22:32). Whatever the name, the face, the human origins of each Pope; it is always Peter who lives in him, it is Peter who directs and governs, it is Peter especially, who teaches and who spreads to the world, the liberating Light. A great sacred orator said, that God established in Rome, an eternal pulpit: “Peter will always live in his successors and speak in his pulpit.” - Pope Pius XII (1876-1958) Pope from 1939 to 1958 (Pius XII Audience of 17 January 1940).

Tuesday, December 10, 2024




The title Our Lady of Loreto is associated with the Holy House of Loreto in Italy. The house believed to have been miraculously transported from Nazareth to Europe by angels. St. Helena, mother of Emperor Constantine,  built a basilica over the house. In 1090, the basilica was destroyed but the house remained intact. Another basilica was built, and it was again destroyed, but the Holy House was intact. Today a great basilica contains the house of the Holy Family. Above the altar inside the Holy House is an ancient statue of Our Lady holding the Infant Jesus. The statue is the origin of the title Our Lady of Loreto. Pope Francis added the feast for Our Lady of Loreto in 2019.


Monday, December 9, 2024


Another way of increasing our sense of the Presence of God, is to perceive Him in all His creatures.

St Therese of the Child Jesus loved to contemplate the image of her Creator in the flowers of the fields and in the stars of the firmament.

God has created all things for our benefit and He is Present in all things.

He sees what use we make of them and can judge whether we employ them to honour Him, Who is our beginning and our end.

The ray of Divine Beauty,which shines in every created thing, should attract us towards its Creator and cause us to adore and serve Him.

Whenever we meet a learned and holy person, moreover, the reflection of God’s Power and Goodness, is even more compelling.

“Learn to love the Creator in the creature,” says St Augustine, “lest the thing which He has made should grip you and you should lose Him by Whom you also were created” (In Ps 19),

In other words, let us learn to see the Creator in all His creatures so that these may not enslave us but cause us to love Him, Who is our highest Good.”

cardinal antonio bacci

Sunday, December 8, 2024



 There are many ways of doing this. 

For example:

Be strong enough to make the sign of the cross before whoever you are, whether before starting your journey on a public bus or before your meals when you are in a restaurant.


giving a fraternal correction to him who transgressed the will of God.


always give preference to the will of God no matter what inconvenience you might suffer.

etc etc etc.

Everyone who acknowledges me publicly here on earth, I will also acknowledge him before my Father in heaven.

Monday, December 2, 2024

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Saturday, November 30, 2024


Jesus came at Christmas not to fill your empty stocking, but to fill your empty life! He wants to bring you joy, peace, and hope regardless of your circumstances



The third way of remaining attentive to the Presence of God is to contemplate Him living in ourselves.

While it is true that God is present everywhere, He dwells in a special manner in the human soul which is the masterpiece of creation!

When our souls are adorned with His grace, His delight in us is unbounded.

“I will dwell and move among them. I will be their God and they shall be My people” (2 Cor 6:16).

“Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you” (1 Cor 3:16).

God dwells among us, therefore and lives in us as in so many temples.

We should recognise His Presence and listen to His Voice, furthermore, we should adore Him, love Him and pray to Him.

Then, we can sincerely claim to belong entirely to Him.

(by Cardinal Antonio Bacci)

Thursday, November 28, 2024


  “Learn from me,” said Jesus when He proposed Himself to us as our model, “for I am meek and humble of heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden light.” (Mt. 11:30) “By your patience,” He said on another occasion, “you will win your souls.” (Luke 21:19) “Love your enemies,” He said also, “do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who persecute and calumniate you, so that you may be children of your Father in heaven, who makes his sun to rise on the good and the evil, and sends rain on the just and the unjust.” (Mt. 5:44)

If we obey this lofty teaching, we shall have peace of soul. We shall not be easily annoyed, but shall rather regret the misdeeds and unhappiness of those who unjustly offend us. Moreover, we shall be able to persuade our fellow-men to follow the path of virtue. This is why the Psalmist says that “the meek shall possess the land, they shall delight in abounding peace.” (Ps. 36:11) “Blessed are the meek,” Jesus repeats in the Sermon on the Mount, “for they shall possess the earth.” (Mt. 5: 4)

What is meant by this promise? Tyrants, persecutors, and evil-doers have passed away and are remembered with bitterness. But the Saints still hold sway over the world and dominate the minds and hearts of millions, winning universal love and veneration. We should imitate the gentleness which can give such peace and exert such influence.

 St. John Climacus notes that there are three levels of meekness. (Scala Paradisi, pp. 296-298) The first grade, he says, consists in enduring with difficulty the injuries done to us. The second consists in enduring them without displeasure, and the third in regarding them as an honour. Those who reach the first level are to be congratulated, those who reach the second are to be applauded, but those in the third and highest category are really blessed by God. "One day," he says, "I saw three monks receiving the same insult. The first was offended but said nothing; the second was not displeased on his own account, but regretted the offence against Almighty God; the third wept for the fault of his neighbour." The first monk, the Saint comments, feared God; the second loved God; and the third loved both God and his fellow-man.

At what stage of perfection in this virtue can we claim to have arrived? If we desire to be sincere Christians, we must realise that we ought to have achieved at least the first level and should hope to advance eventually as far as the third and most perfect grade.

(from the writings of cardinal antonio bacci)

Wednesday, November 27, 2024


A Bit About Bormla / Cospicua

Bormla / Cospicua is one of the so-called ‘Three Cities’, a trio of cities across the Grand Harbour from Valletta that actually predates Valletta. The Three Cities are also collectively known as ‘the Cottonera’.

The Three Cities have withstood two sieges, each worthy of more reading if you are interested in Malta: The Great Siege of 1565 (against the Ottoman Turks), and the World War II Siege (against the Axis powers), during which Malta became one of the most bombed places on earth.

Bormla was the city’s original name, but it was renamed Cospicua after the Great Siege of 1565 because of the prominent — or conspicuous role —  it played during the siege. While many tourist maps and brochures will refer to the town as ‘Cospicua,’ most of the Maltese people I’ve chatted with call it ‘Bormla.’

Finally, if you see The Three Cities called the ‘Cottonera,’ know that name goes back to when Malta was occupied by Napoleon’s troops.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024



Titular Choir Pane. Painter: Pietro Paola Caruana (1794-1852).

The Sanctuary painting of the Immaculate Conception, which dominates the marble facade of the church choir, was painted by Pietro Paolo Caruana (1794 – 1852) in 1828. The idea behind this painting was that of Canon  Ludovico Mifsud Tommasi, who was a theologian, poet and great devotee of Our Lady.

This painting was not immediately accepted and it was only in 1850 that it was placed in the church. The old painting, Carlo Gimach's work (1651 – 1730), is now in the sacristy of the parish.

On 25 June 1905, Cardinal Domenico ferrata, on behalf of Pope Pius X, crowned the image of the Immaculate Mary with a golden crown on the head of Our Lady. Fifty years later, on 25 July 1955, Cardinal Federico Tedeschini placed a gold and diamond sculpture around Our Lady's head.

This painting, together with the statue of the Conception, was taken in January 1941 to the Basilica of Birkirkara for shelter from enemy bombs in World War II. They were brought back to Cospicua on a pilgrimage from Birkirkara to Cospicua, on 19 November 1944 as a form of gratitude for the divine intervention that the Church did not suffer any damage during the war. And one must take into account that Cospicua being a city in the Grand Harbour area was a prime target for the bombardments.


Monday, November 25, 2024



The statue depicted in the above photo is the effigy of the Immaculate Conception of the Mother of God which one can find in my parish of Cospicua, Malta. We celebrate its feast on the 8th December but 9 days prior to the celebration, a novena is held to prepare the parishioners spiritually.

According to tradition, the first statue of the Immaculate Conception in Cospicua was sculptured from the trunk on which, according to the legend of the Marzabba (Whip), Our Lady had free a child from the outrage of the devil. This statue is today located in the Parish Church of Qrendi.

It was Sister Maria de Domenicis, who studied under Mattia Preti, who sculpted the statue of the Conception in wood at around 1680. But in 1905 the statue was changed from its previous appearance. It was sent to Milan  to Antonio Ghezzi & Figlo where she was dressed in silver on the design Abraham Gatt (1863 – 1944). Only the head, hands, feet and snake were taken from the statue of de Domenicis. The statue was inaugurated on 18 June 1905 under the portico of the church of Santa Margerita, on the occasion of the coronation of the titular painting of the Colligiate Church.

more to follow in the coming days

Saturday, November 23, 2024



“When you need to arrive at some decision, or to give some important advice, ask God's assistance before you do so. Repeat as often as you reasonably are able during the day: 'Incline unto mine aid, O God,' as St Rose of Lima was accustomed to do.

To obtain this assistance from God turn frequently to the Crucifix or to the image of our Blessed Lady (which, of course, you will have in your room) and do not fail to often invoke the Names of Jesus and Mary …

God, being infinitely kind, has the greatest desire to communicate His Graces to us.

The Venerable Father Alphonsus Alvarez saw our Lord, on one occasion, with His Hands filled with Graces, going about seeking souls to whom He might dispense them.

But He will have us ask Him for them: 'Ask and you shall receive' otherwise He will withdraw His Hands.

He will, on the contrary, stretch them out to us and willingly open them, if we invoke Him.

… David declares, God shows, not only Mercy but Great Mercy, to those who beseech Him: For Thou, O Lord, art sweet and mild and plenteous in mercy to all who call upon Thee (Ps 85:5).”

Friday, November 22, 2024




And the Lord, seeking His worker among the multitudes to whom He thus cries, says again: “Which of you desires life and would like to see prosperous days? (Ps 33:13) And if, hearing Him you answer, “I am he,” God says to you: if you would have true and everlasting life, “keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking deceit. Turn away from evil and do good; seek after peace and pursue it” (Ps 33:14-15). And when you have done these things, My Eyes will be upon you and My Ears open unto your prayers. And before you call Me, I shall say to you, “Lo, here I Am” (Is 58:9).

What can be sweeter to us, dearest brethren, than this Voice of our Lord inviting us? Behold in His loving Mercy, the Lord show us the way of life. Let us, therefore, gird our loins with faith and the performance of good deeds and following the guidance of the Gospel, walk in His paths, so that we may merit to see Him Who has called us into His Kingdom (1Thes 2:12). For if we wish to live in the dwellings of His Kingdom, unless we run there with good deeds, we shall not arrive. ” – St Benedict (480-547) Abbot, Founder, Father of Western Monaticism (From the Prologue to the Rule 8-22).

Monday, November 18, 2024



“When you awake in the morning, let your first thought be to raise up your mind to God, to offer to His honour whatever you may have to do, or suffer, during the day and, to beseech Him, to assist you with His holy Grace. 

Then, perform your other morning devotions, making Acts of Love and of Gratitude and praying and resolving, to spend the day as if it were to be the last of your life.

Sunday, November 17, 2024



“When you receive some pleasant news, do not act like those unfaithful and thankless souls, who have recourse to God in time of trouble but forget and forsake Him, when things go well. Show Him the fidelity you would show to a sincere friend, who rejoices in your happiness. Go at once and tell Him of your joy and praise Him and give Him thanks, acknowledging your good fortune as a gift from His Hands alone!

Rejoice in the fact that you owe your happiness to Him and place all your joy and comfort in Him – I will rejoice in the Lord (Hab 3:18) Say to Him: My Jesus, I bless and will ever bless Thee, for granting me so many favours, when I deserved at Thy hands not favours but chastisements for the affronts I have offered Thee.

Friday, November 15, 2024


Recommend to God with confidence not only your own needs but also the needs of others.
How pleasing to Him it will be if you sometimes forget yourself and speak to Him of His own glory, of the miseries of others, especially those who mourn in sorrow; of the souls in purgatory, His spouses, who long to behold Him in Heaven and of poor sinners, who live deprived of His grace.


Thursday, November 14, 2024


“Whenever you are in doubt about anything -whether it regards yourself or others - act like good friends do who always consult one another in their difficulties. Show the same mark of confidence to God; consult Him; ask Him to enlighten you, that you may decide on that which is most pleasing to Him.

Wednesday, November 13, 2024


“Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.” – Matthew 16:16

REFLECTION – “Peter did not say “Thou are a Christ” or “a son of God” but “the Christ, the Son of God.” For there are many christs by grace, who have attained the rank of adoption [as sons] but, [there is] only One ,Who is by nature the Son of God. Thus, using the definite article, he said, THE Christ, THE Son of God. And in calling Him, Son of the LIVING God, Peter indicates that Christ Himself is Life and that death has no authority over Him. And even if the flesh, for a short while, was weak and died, nevertheless, it rose again, since the Word, Who dwelled in it, could not be held under the bonds of death.” – St Cyril of Alexandria (376-444) Known as “The Pillar of Faith” Archbishop of Alexandria, Father and Doctor Incarnationis (Doctor of the Incarnation) (Fragment 190).

Sunday, November 10, 2024


Never, then, forget His sweet Presence, as do the greater part of men. Speak to Him as often as you can, for He does not grow weary of this, nor disdains it …

If you love Him, you will not be at a loss of what to say to Him. Tell Him all that occurs to you, about yourself and your affairs, as you would tell it to a dear friend.

Do not look upon Him as a haughty King Who will converse only with the superior and on great matters. He, your God, is pleased to lower Himself to you and to hear you communicate to Him, your smallest and most ordinary concerns.

… Say not: Why disclose all my wants to God, since He already sees and knows them better than I do?

Yes, He knows them but, He acts as if He did not know the needs about which you do not speak to Him and for which, you do not seek His aid.

Our Saviour knew that Lazarus was dead and yet, He acted as if He did not know until Martha told Him of it. It was only then, He comforted her by bringing her brother back to life.”

Saturday, November 9, 2024



You may sleep but God will place Himself at your side and watch over you continually: I will rest with Him and He will be a comfort in my cares and grief (Cf Wis 8:9,16). When you take your rest He does not leave your bedside. He remains there, always thinking of you, that if you awake in the night He may speak to you by His inspirations and, receive from you in return, some act of love, of oblation, of thanksgiving. Thus, He desires to continue, even in the hours of the night, His sweet and gracious converse with you.

Sometimes too, He will speak to you while you sleep and make you hear His Voice, so that, in waking, you may put into practice that which He has spoken: I will speak to Him in a dream (Num 12:6).

He is there also in the morning, to hear from you some word of affection, of confidence; to be the depository of your first thoughts and of all the actions which you promise to perform that day, to please Him; of all the griefs, too, which you offer to willingly endure for His glory and love.

But as He fails not to present Himself to you at the moment of your waking, do not fail, on your part, to immediately give Him a look of love and, to rejoice, when your God announces to you the glad tidings that He is not far from you (as once He may have been, by reason of your sins) but that, He loves you and would be beloved by you.”

Thursday, November 7, 2024



Bear well in mind, you have neither friend, nor brother, nor father, nor mother, nor spouse, nor lover, who loves you more than God.

He loves us so much that He went as far as to become an Infant, to become poor, to die publicly on a cross; He went as far as to hide Himself under the appearance of bread, in order to become our constant Companion and to unite Himself intimately to us: He who eateth My Flesh and drinketh My Blood, abideth in Me and I in him (John 6:57).

He loves you as though He had no-one else to love but you alone.

You, too, should love Him alone and all others for His Sake.

Of Him you may say and, indeed, you should say: My Beloved to me and I to Him (Cant, 2:16). 

My God has given Himself all to me and I give myself all to Him; He has chosen me for His beloved and I choose Him, above all others, for my only Love.

Sunday, November 3, 2024



CONSIDER, in the first place, God deserves to be loved by you, since He loved you first, that you might love Him and He, has been the first of all to love you.

“I have loved thee with an everlasting love.” (Jer xxxi: 3).

The first to love you on earth, were your parents but they did not love you before they knew you but God, loved you before you had any being. When neither your father nor your mother were in the world, God loved you when the world was not even created, God loved you. And how long before the creation of the world did God love you? Perhaps a thousand years or ages. There is no need to reckon years and ages. Know, that God has loved you from eternity!

“ I have loved thee with an everlasting love, therefore, with loving kindness have I drawn Thee.” (Jer xxxi: 3)'

In short, God has loved you since He has been God; as long as He has loved Himself, He has loved you. Therefore, St Agnes had good reason to say: “I am prevented by another love.” When the world and the creature demanded her love, she answered: “No, O world, no, O creature, I cannot love you. My God has been the first to love me and it is, therefore, right that I should consecrate my love to God alone.”

Saturday, November 2, 2024


 “IT is of the many to begin, of the few to persevere,” writes St Jerome.

Saul, Judas, Tertullian, began well but they ended badly, since they did not persevere in good.

“In Christians, the beginnings are not sought for but the end,” continues St. Jerome and St Bonaventure confirms this by saying: “Perseverance alone is crowned.”

Hence, St Laurence Justinian calls perseverance “the door of Heaven.”

So that he cannot enter into Heaven who cannot find the gate of entrance. My brother, you have at this present time abandoned sin and may justly hope that you have been pardoned, in this case, you are the friend of God but know that you are still, not saved. And when will you be saved? When you have persevered even to the end!

“He who shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.”

Have you begun the good life? thank the Lord but St Bernard warns you: “The reward is promised to those beginning, it is given to those who persevere.” It is not enough to run for the prize but we must run until we obtain it, or, as the Apostle says: “So run that ye may obtain.” (i Cor ix: 24).

Pray for the grace of the Lord, frequent Holy Communion, make a daily meditation. Blessed are you if you have progressed to do thus and if, so doing, Jesus Christ shall find you, when He comes to judge you.

“Blessed is that servant, whom his Lord, when He cometh, shall find so doing.” (Matt xxiv:46)

Sunday, October 27, 2024


How devotion to the Sacred Heart opens our heart to God

 written by Philip Kosloski - published on 10/22/24

Pope Benedict XVI believed devotion to the Sacred Heart was very beneficial and could open our own hearts to God's never failing love.

Many popes in the last 100 years have had a special devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, frequently encouraging it and writing about it in their homilies, speeches and letters.

Pope Benedict XVI wove it into a number of his writings and speeches, such as a letter he wrote on the 50th anniversary of the encyclical, Haurietis Aquas.

Opening us to the love of God

He reflected on devotion to the Sacred Heart and explained how it can open our own hearts to God:

When we practice this devotion, not only do we recognize God's love with gratitude but we continue to open ourselves to this love so that our lives are ever more closely patterned upon it. God, who poured out his love "into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us" (cf. Rom 5:5), invites us tirelessly to accept his love. The main aim of the invitation to give ourselves entirely to the saving love of Christ and to consecrate ourselves to it (cf. Haurietis Aquas, n. 4) is, consequently, to bring about our relationship with God.

Pope Benedict XVI went so far as to say that the devotion, "has an irreplaceable importance for our faith and for our life in love."

Furthermore, the love we experience from Jesus' Sacred Heart can help us love our neighbor:

Whoever inwardly accepts God is moulded by him. The experience of God's love should be lived by men and women as a "calling" to which they must respond. Fixing our gaze on the Lord, who "took our infirmities and bore our diseases" (Mt 8:17), helps us to become more attentive to the suffering and need of others.

Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus remains a beautiful devotion, one that helps to form our heart and open it to God and our neighbor.

Wednesday, October 23, 2024


Do you believe that prayer has the power to make a difference? 

Yes, if it is done in the spirit that God expects from us.

Father Matthew describes how a family started praying when their son was in a car crash. That was the first time they prayed as a family. As they waited, word spread to countless people who started praying, begging God to save him. 

Prayer is now a daily part of this family's life. It's never too late to begin prayer life. Jesus' message to us is to pray always, and to never lose heart.

 If we don't receive what we ask for in prayer, does that mean we should stop praying altogether?

Of course not. We should exercise patience and be humble before God to shower upon us his graces, when He wants and how He wants and in the abandance He wants. Do not expect that the moment we prayer, God accede to our request there and then. God wants to see our perseverance in prayer and would want to test our faith in Him.

 If we do not receive what we ask for, it means that what we requested from God is detrimental to us. 

Does a father give a knife to his small son just because he was fascinated by the glittering object in the sun?

He gives him son something else which glitters but is not harmful

God our Father is not going to give us that which harms us. But rest assured that God will give us something else instead, which is beneficial to us.

Friday, October 18, 2024


Consider the shortness of time, the length of eternity and reflect, how everything here below comes to an end and passes by. Of what use is it then, to lean upon that which cannot give support?”

St Gerard Majella (1726-1755)

Good, better, best. Never let it rest. 'Til your good is better and your better is best. 

St. Jerome

A tree is known by its fruit; a man by his deeds. A good deed is never lost; he who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love. 

Saint Basil

Be gentle to all and stern with yourself. 

Saint Teresa of Avila

The friendship that can cease has never been real. 

St. Jerome

Thursday, October 17, 2024


Whoever sows sparringly, will also reap sparringly. 

Whoever sows abundantly, will also reap undoubtedly. 

The level of our dedication will be comparable to what we get out of it. 

Think of an athlete wanting to compete at a high level. Think of students doing their homework. It applies to our friendships, and it applies to our faith. 

Our faith will either dwindle or blossom depending on the measure that we give.

 In the Our Father prayer, we think of the measure of mercy our Father gives to us being comparable to the mercy we show to those who trespass against us. 

Let us give gratitude and thanks to our Lord for His generosity towards us.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024


 These are the two images that Jesus uses to teach us about who we are, and how we should live. 

What does salt do? 

It brings out the best flavours, it preserves food, and wherever there is hard ice, it melts it. The disciples, and you and I, are compared to salt as we are called to bring out the best in each other, to preserve and share the Gospel message, and to spread the love of Christ and melt the cold hardened hearts of unbelievers. 

Light should be put up on high on a lampstand to bring light and clarity to our homes. We shouldn't be shy about our faith. It should be like a light to fill our homes and our work places. The light also allows us to see where we are going, and to see the obstacles in our life,  to avoid them. You and I are called to share the light with others so that they too can see clearly, and see where God is leading us to. Light makes life better. Jesus, who is the light of the world, makes everyone's life better! God's light allows us to see clearly and to make it to our destination, to heaven. Let us try to be a light to others, and not hide our light under a bushel basket.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024


In plain language, patience is a grace that allows us to remain peaceful, calm, even joyful when people or things don’t go our way. It prevents us from getting angry, annoyed, and frustrated at people, places, or circumstances. 

We must exercise patience with others. We do not live by ourselves on some deserted island but share our daily lives with different communities of people. Not everyone acknowledges our thoughts and actions and more often than not, this is the time when we get annoyed and perhaps go a step forward and retaliate spitefully.  We must not let ourselves be carried by our emotions, but diligently we are obliged to act with patience, which ultimately is a sign of strength and self-control.

A second area where we need to practice patience is with ourselves.

 There are occasions when we get discouraged because we failed with ourselves. For example we get discouraged because during prayer we find ourselves distracted all along the way. It would be a grave mistake were we to give up thinking that we cannot move on through the path of holiness. We are wrong to think so. 

However, we are right that we cannot do this by ourselves. We need the gift of God, his grace. Coupled with this gift of God we must be patient and struggle against this false inclination of surrendering to the devil’s advice.

Place your trust in God and let Him direct you on your journey of Faith. And to do this you must practice the virtue of Patience and we can become a better person because God helps him who helps himself.

Monday, October 14, 2024


 THE “business” of eternal salvation is assuredly an affair which is to us more important than any other and yet, it is the most neglected by Christians. They spare neither time nor diligence to attain that post. 

And yet, to secure eternal salvation, what do they do? how do they live? They do nothing, nay, they do all things to lose it! and the larger number of Christians so live, as if death, judgement, hell, Heaven and eternity could not be an article of faith but fables invented by the poets. If their money account is in the red,  what great concern do they not feel? What pains do they not take to repair the loss? If they lose a horse or a dog, what diligence do they not exercise to find it?

They lose the grace of God; they sleep, they jest and they laugh.

Wonderful fact! All are ashamed to be called negligent in the affairs of the world and yet, how many are not ashamed to neglect the affairs of eternity which is all-important! 

St Paul enphasis the fact that eternal salvation is the only important affair during our life on earth.

It is the most important concern : yes, since it is an affair of the greatest consequence; it concerns the soul which, if lost, all is lost!

St Chrysostom tells us that the soul ought to be more precious to us than all the goods of the world. It is sufficient to know, in order to understand this, God Himself has given His Son to die to save our souls: “God so loved the world, that He gave His Only-Begotten Son.” (St John iii: 16).

And the Eternal Word did not refuse to purchase them with His own Blood. “Ye are bought with a price.” (i Cor vi: 20).

So that, as a holy Father observes: “The redemption of man was effected at so precious a price, man seemed to be of equal value to God.”

St Philip Neri had reason to call him mad, who does not attend to the salvation of his soul. 

But no, since we are all immortal, how is it that so many endanger the soul for the miserable pleasures of this world? How is it, says Salvian, Christians believe there is a judgement, a hell, an eternity and yet live without fearing them?

Sunday, October 13, 2024



There was once a priest who had a special devotion to the sorrows of Mary. He would often remain alone in the chapel to commiserate the sorrows of his Lady.

So intently did he meditate on the sorrows endured by Mary Most Holy that, moved by compassion, he was accustomed to wipe the face of a statue of the sorrowful Virgin with a little cloth, as though real tears flowed there.

Now this good priest became quite ill. When he was given up by his physicians, and was going to breathe his last, he saw a beautiful Lady by his side. She consoled him with her words, and with a handkerchief gently wiped the sweat from his brow.

With this, the priest was miraculously cured.

When he found himself well, he said: "But, my Lady, who are you who practice such charity towards me?"

"I am she," answered Mary, "whose tears you have so often dried,” and she disappeared.

From the Glories of Mary, by St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori

it is recommended to meditate about the sorrows of Mary, the Mother of Christ every Friday. ( St Gabiriel of our Lady of Sorrows)