Monday, October 14, 2024


 THE “business” of eternal salvation is assuredly an affair which is to us more important than any other and yet, it is the most neglected by Christians. They spare neither time nor diligence to attain that post. 

And yet, to secure eternal salvation, what do they do? how do they live? They do nothing, nay, they do all things to lose it! and the larger number of Christians so live, as if death, judgement, hell, Heaven and eternity could not be an article of faith but fables invented by the poets. If their money account is in the red,  what great concern do they not feel? What pains do they not take to repair the loss? If they lose a horse or a dog, what diligence do they not exercise to find it?

They lose the grace of God; they sleep, they jest and they laugh.

Wonderful fact! All are ashamed to be called negligent in the affairs of the world and yet, how many are not ashamed to neglect the affairs of eternity which is all-important! 

St Paul enphasis the fact that eternal salvation is the only important affair during our life on earth.

It is the most important concern : yes, since it is an affair of the greatest consequence; it concerns the soul which, if lost, all is lost!

St Chrysostom tells us that the soul ought to be more precious to us than all the goods of the world. It is sufficient to know, in order to understand this, God Himself has given His Son to die to save our souls: “God so loved the world, that He gave His Only-Begotten Son.” (St John iii: 16).

And the Eternal Word did not refuse to purchase them with His own Blood. “Ye are bought with a price.” (i Cor vi: 20).

So that, as a holy Father observes: “The redemption of man was effected at so precious a price, man seemed to be of equal value to God.”

St Philip Neri had reason to call him mad, who does not attend to the salvation of his soul. 

But no, since we are all immortal, how is it that so many endanger the soul for the miserable pleasures of this world? How is it, says Salvian, Christians believe there is a judgement, a hell, an eternity and yet live without fearing them?

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